Call Report from Interactive Application


I have to call a Report (Rxxxxxx) from an interactive
application (P.....). Before running the UBE, JDE brings
a screen for selecting the printer.

We need to start the report without any screen. The user
should not see, that a UBE starts.

How can I do this ?

N. Fischer
Call it from an NER instead (right, a one line NER).

App -> NER -> UBE
N. Fischer,

This has been discussed before. Try searching for "P986162" to access a number of different solutions and issues.

Darren provides a simple solution. A business function to use can be found here (Thread 120217).
Thanks, but it works not really correct.

I call R46171, this calls R46471 and this must call R46472.

If I call R46171 direct, everything works.

If I call R46171 with NER, then R46472 will not work well.
R46472 starts but ends immedietly without doing anything.

Is it possible that there is a problem with cache ?
R46171 puts many files into cache.

N. Fischer
Something is wrong with your implementation. I've called that exact report with NERs and had no problems.
I have found the error.
The POs of R46171 were not correct.
Your NER-Solution works now well.
Thank you.