BULK User ID creating in one shot.

E1 Security

I am working for State and everyday we are creating 25 to 30 User IDs and in summer help some days we are creating 80 to 100 User IDs and then end of the year we are deleting those temporary user ids. This is every year situation
This is ongoing work. Building P0092, P95921 and P59OWSEC. Is any easy way to create P0092 all in once with out SQL and All P95921 ? I know P59OWSEC we can not do as behind the scene system write business function for encryption.
Please give some thought about creating User Profile in one shot and User Role Relationship in another shot. Is any one know about power form?

Any suggestions are welcome.
I believe there is a problem with LDAP with JDE account because of the limitation on the password length. or may be i misunderstood.?


Picking the lowest password threshold (often, the iSeries)....

I'm not sure what each OS's password complexity is - but, I've worked with clients that went LDAP and had an iSeries. They had to alter the entire networks password complexity around that of the iSeries (limit of 10 characters and some other things).

I'm sure those that have gone ldap have better examples.


The iSeries allows passwords of up to 128 characters, including special characters. But you need to chagne the system value QPWDLVL to a '2' or '3' instead of the default '0'.

Tom Davidson

That is GOOD TO KNOW (and, apparently, very few administrators know)??

Every site that I've worked with, that has either gone LDAP or Considered it - has stumped on the 10 character limit (and the ignorance of CaPiTalIZaTion)....

Does that switch make the password honor Capitals, also?

Thank you for the new knowledge!


Yes it does honor capitialization, special characters too. I'm not 100% positive, but I think it is any character your keyboard can generate is OK. I do know it accepts @#$% and &

The 10 character limit is within JDE and has nothing to do with the platform on which it runs. Review Oracle Support document ID 655449.1

E1 Security,

- sorry we hijacked your thread with the extended LDAP thread... we did learn some gold, though. Thanks for the additional info, Ethan.

If you are just copying a model account (or one of the model accounts) - is it ok to script? I mean, don't you define each user through a formal process - where the manager has defined the security and setup?

What is the actual process you would like to implement? A screen, where you select a model account and the 'process' generates ## new accounts in numerical sequence?

I have developed a driver application that allows the user to focus on a user ID and create new ID's "Same As". All you need to enter the the to user ID and it uses form interconnect to P0092, P98OWSEC. When completed the new user can sign on.
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