billable freight charge


Hi list,
does someone work with billable freight charge?

When reviewing loads I can determinate only the payable freight charge using
the Routing Options. How can determinate the billable freight charge directly
on a Load ?

Which solution found ?

Thanks Gianni

[email protected]

Select the load, click on Freight Charges, select the radio button billable and see.
There is no way to see billable charges within the route selection screen (after all it is designed for you to select the best route).

Hi Fred,
thanks for the reply.
Maybe I haven't made myself clear.
The problem is: after having selected a Load the radio button billable, in the P4945 form, is always disable.
It appears like if it's impossible to calculate billable freight on a load.


this is because the billable is not connected to the load but to the individual shipments which are included in this load. So on load level you can only inquire on the payable charges.

A shipmment is connected to a sales order, that is where this billable line ends up after Freight Update.

Re: RE: billable freight charge

100% correct !
Going on the P4915 (Work with shipment) highlight one shipment number part from the load, click on freight charges, you will see the payable freight (by the way, all shipments will show the same payable freight, you can see the load number on this screen). Click on radio button billable and see the billable freight with the document number (not the load nr) where it will be included after freight update R4981.

Have fun
