B4700230 Delete Or Copy File doesn't work with PDF Files


B4700230 Delete Or Copy File doesn\'t work with PDF Files


I have tried using B4700230 to copy a PDF file from one location to another. The file does copy over but when trying to open, it gives error that File is damaged and could not be repaired.

I have used this bsfn with text file and CSVs and both work file without error.

Does anyone know if there's any other bsfn I could use that copy the PDF files over?

JD Edwards 9.0
Re: B4700230 Delete Or Copy File doesn\'t work with PDF Files

What platform are you on?

I've used B34A1030 to call xcopy [source] [destination] /I /F /Y
that worked, but I was using citrix on windows and haven't tried to repeat it on another platform
User JDE should have permissions to the files you're copying from to

I just this minute had a bit of success with B982201
(as I wanted to know too)

I created a file called test.pdf in C:\

I called OMWFileCopy as follows
szSourceOWMFilePath = C:\
szTargetOWMFilePath = C:\test2

szfilename = test.pdf

When I call the BSFN, it creates the folder C:\test2 AND copies test.pdf into it
Re: B4700230 Delete Or Copy File doesn\'t work with PDF Files

Just a warning ... B982201 is a Client Only function

B34A1030 would work better to copy at the O/S level

As a note, the original function referenced (B4700230) copies the file by reading the file contents and writing them to the destination a chunk at a time. There may be some character conversion or CR/LF that gets messed up during the process.