Attaching T&C to Purchase Order Print



Our client has a requirement to print their standard terms and conditions (about 15 pages) with their Purchase Orders. As an alternative, they may consider putting a note at the bottom of the P/O advising a copy of their T&C’s are available on their website. Any suggestions on how can this be achieved? Thank you.
You are in effect changing the report design to do this. So your options are 1) Get a programmer in to make the required change to the PO print reports or 2) Use another piece of software (eg Create Print or BI Publisher) to re-format the output as required.
If you are just printing the "raw" E1 PDF of your PO, use a Generic Print message to print on the PO that has verbiage about where to go view the T&Cs on your website. That's the easy solution. No modification to the application at all.

We use CreateForm for our PO's and have handled this 3 ways with it.
One, don't need to bother with the Generic Print Message (or you can) but print this verbiage (either your own hardcoded text or the print message) on the PO.
Second, create a "subform" that is your T&Cs document. Attach that to your CreateForm PO form to print along with the PO.
Thirdly, if you are emailing the PO's (via CreateEmail), you can add an "additional attachment" to the outgoing email and it can pick up your T&C document and attach it to the email.
In CreateForm, I think you can use the "Next Copy Project" functionality to print a "T&C" document form and you attach that to the PO form. I think I said "subform" in my previous post but I think it is the "Next Copy Project" stuff that I was thinking of.
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