Assigning 'Enter' Key to a Form Exit button


Active Member
Assigning \'Enter\' Key to a Form Exit button

Is there a way to assign a form button to the Enter key or a default one or not to have the Enter key run a form button (you can in Visual Basic) and I thought there was in OW (My memory may be going!!).
the reason is I have a custom headerless detail app with QBE enabled,
1. I have some QBE criteria specified.
2. Press Find
3. Enter some cell info and press Enter in a grid cell
The Find Button is triggered and therfore the data entered is lost.
If I turn QBE off and do the same test, the focus goes to the next grid cell which is what I want to happen
Re: Assigning \'Enter\' Key to a Form Exit button

You can add a push button, hide it and check the "default push button" property of the push button properties.

In ER of this push button, call the system function "press button" on the button that you want to be call when press enter.
Re: Assigning \'Enter\' Key to a Form Exit button

Thanks for the reply. I want Enter to do nothing, so I supposed I could assign a default push button that does nothing
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