Adding to existing loads


We are running Advanced Warehousing & Advanced Transportation. We have the need to add a shipment/shipments to a load that is allready being processed through warehousing. Currently we build another load and put it on the same truck. This is causing us frt issues in accounting. Any ideas? Thank you for your help.
Typically you should be having one load per truck, so that is unusual. However as long as you have not yet approved the load you should be able to go into load building and continue to add shipments. Do you have more infomation about this issue?
It's definitely an unusual situation. Normally we have a 4 stop load built
and approved. While the truck is being loaded Sales/Distribution decides
that they want to add another stop. We(IT) have told them that this function
does not exist in OW. They thought that their might be another customer
using OW with similar business needs.
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