A way of finding USERS who have access to a specific application


I have always came up against a brick wall when some asks me "Can you tell me whih users have access to this program? i.e. P4210". You can obviously find which menus have this on it by using the F00821 table. BUT I cannot figure out how you would be able to tell if a user that had a higher level menu had access. Example menu ABC has access to mneu XYZ and XYZ has P4210 on it. in the user profiles F0092 you can find all the users that have XYZ But how would you find all the ones that had ABC as their starting menu. And further more someone who had a Higher startin menu than ABC.

If anyone knows of any SQL query or a report within JDE that does this that would be great. Even if there are any 3rd party companies that may have developped this.

OneWorld Xe and we do not have security by version.
Any questions let me know.

Thank in Advance
How about F00950 Security Workbench? Look for records where:
Security Type = 3 (Application Security), and
Object Name = P4210.
By the way, a Very nice 3rd party security tool we use (and I recommend) is AllOut Security.