9.1 Performance

Jaise James

Reputable Poster

Just wonder how has been the performance on 9.1 We are hearing few users complaining about performance being slow while opening applications, Menu Navigation and some interactive transaction. How has been your experience with the new version
I personally think performance is great.

As a baseline, I'm using Apps 9.1 with Tools on Oracle 11g database on AIX and Weblogic 11g (10.3.6) on Win2K8 64Bit with a 4Gb JVM size on VMWare ESXi. Application server is also AIX. I actually have also slightly better performance on an all-linux (Redhat 6.2) stack with everything running on VM.

The time it takes to open a sales order document and enter lines is pretty comparable to a fat client on citrix.

However, obviously the very FIRST time an application is opened, then it will need to "jiti" the serialized objects - which can take a few seconds, and build up its cache. But thereafter, it starts really flying. I educate users that slow performance on starting applications is related to the way the cache works, and they seem to be fine with it.

Thanks for your post. Its not just the first time, application. But they could be trying to open the same application later and see the slowness. One thing which has changed with the new release is we are using Zenapp to publish IE9. Not sure if the issue related to that.

Yes, we have that enabled. Do you think that could create any performance related issue?
Our users complained about the perception of slowness because of the menus with the new UI.

With breadcrumbs, its at least tolerable.

We have noticed that the complexity of the security involved can slow menu travel and applications opening. For example, I added all the roles to our admin team to help quickly see what users are seeing during the upgrade. We noticed that the menus and opening applications are noticeably slower for us than for the users.

It may be worth looking at the complexity of roles/security to see if that makes a difference.

We have heard that simplifying your menu structure helps too - this has been the driver for a recent project.