8.9 Still Too Risky?


Active Member
I need to know from other users, who have installed or are currently installing and testing, if version 8.9 is still to risky or new of a product to install.

I don't need too many specifics just opinions. (Please keep them nice)

Thanks to all
Yes - too risky still. Although its probably only a couple of months away before the "riskiness" lessens.

If you're planning on budgeting for the ugrade - make sure you plan well, and please make sure you plan for professionals to help you. Don't forget to plan for MTR's - Hardware AND software. Depending on what release you're currently at, there could be additional requirements for the upgrade.

8.9 is certainly the future. However, If I were an existing OneWorld user - I'd want to see some new customers go live on 8.9 first, especially Distribution and Manufacturing customers.... I don't think its too far away now.
Hogan, you ask for opinions and then you restrict to keep it nice?

Seriously, I am working on a new E8.9 implementation right now and I am surprised about the amount of issues. There are quite a few changes in the underlying technology.
If you have a running system and plan an upgrade, I would wait.
A new implementation maybe different. During months of implementation the bugs will (hopefully) be worked out and then you would have an updated version.

My two centavos, Gerd
Hi Pat,

Working on a 8.9 install right now. So far, it's going smoothly but, we're just beginning. Gerd is right about the changes to the underlying technology.

I'll try to make an effort to post any major 8.9 issues I encounter over the upcoming weeks/months.