8.9 Read Only Report (???)



Legendary Poster
Hi JDEList-Forum,

When you create or copy a new UBE on 8.9, then "sometimes" there are 2 check-boxes on the screen - Update Report vs Non Update Report (or something similar).

When this choice appears, then the Non Update is the default.

I suspect, this features somehow "setup" dependent, but I don't know, how does it.

On the same system, logging on with different User ID - this choice appears or does not.

Can anybody tell me, what kind of .ini settings or security settings are related with this feature?

Thanks in advance.



This is what I found:

1. On the Work With User/Roles Security (P00950), take Form Exit: Misc Security
2. Here is where you assign the Read-Only vs Read/Write security for a user or role

Note that you will not see this option if you are not at the correct SP level (but I'm not sure which SP they introduced this with.)

It's kind of a pain if you miss this and make your UBE "read-only". It appears as though "read-only" is stored in the UBE specifications. This would tend to make it difficult to change your mind after you design your UBE and decided that you did want it to be Update after all!

An easy workaround for this is to copy your completed UBE to a new UBE and this time around specify for update...

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your answer.
Excuse me this late answer.

I figured ou the solution.
Fortunately this information is stored simply in the SIOMIT field of F9860 Object Librarian Master.

1- means Read Only

I have simply cleared this field and voila, my report worked as update report.

