E9.2 No errors but no records created using /v2/appstack



I am using /v2/appstack to open then create an employee record on P060116Q_W060116QA
When I get the response there appears to be no records created, and no errors or warnings returned:

"rowset": [],
"summary": {
"records": 0,
"moreRecords": false
"errors": [],
"warnings": []

Shouldn't I be getting either a record created or an error?
I am able to create employees on this form, with these minimal amount of fields, just not through the APIs
We also been able to retrieve and update records but not create.

This is what I am sending (changed the "controlID" : "21" for this post since it is private info)

"token" : "{{token}}",
"allowCache": true,
"action": "execute",
"actionRequest" : {
"stopOnWarning": "false",
"returnControlIDs" : "1[18,19]",
"formServiceAction": "C",
"formServiceDemo": false,
"outputType" : "VERSION2",
"formActions" : [
"gridAction" : {
"gridID" : "1",
"gridRowInsertEvents" : [{
"gridColumnEvents" : [
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "18",
"value" : "500010"
"command" : "SetGridComboValue",
"controlID" : "64",
"value" : " N"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "19",
"value" : "Someone, Tester10"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "21",
"value" : "000000000"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "26",
"value" : "70000"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "27",
"value" : "36.000"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "22",
"value" : "1501"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "32",
"value" : "01/01/50"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "24",
"value" : "52901"
"command" : "SetGridCellValue",
"controlID" : "159",
"value" : "CW"
"command" : "DoAction",
"controlID" : "12"
"formOID" : "W01012B"
"stackId": {{stackId}},
"stateId": {{stateId}},
"rid": "{{rid}}"
Hi Orlund,

As I said you in the other post, why do you not use Orchestrator and Form Extensions? it's easier.
I don't believe we have Orchestrator or Form Extensions setup.
Since we don't do almost any development or customizations to JDE and this maybe the only thing we need,
I was hoping to avoid the setup and learning of that if possible and just make a call to the API.
(although we can do that if that is the best option)
It would be nice to even get an error back to have a starting point.
I don't believe we have Orchestrator or Form Extensions setup.
Since we don't do almost any development or customizations to JDE and this maybe the only thing we need,
I was hoping to avoid the setup and learning of that if possible and just make a call to the API.
(although we can do that if that is the best option)
It would be nice to even get an error back to have a starting point.
Hi. There might be other things, but I would start with changing your formOID. W01012B is the Work with Addresses form. If it still doesn’t work, can you include the open stack call as well?
I didn't quite understand "formOID"
I have replaced it with:
"formOID" : "W060116QA"

This is my open stack call (
"token": "{{token}}",
"formName" : "P060116Q_W060116QA",
"version" : "ZJDE0001",
"action" : "open",
"aliasNaming" : true,
"outputType" : "VERSION2",
"formRequest" : {
"maxPageSize": "5",
"returnControlIDs" : "1[18,19]",
"formName": "P060116Q_W060116QA",
"version" : "ZJDE0001",
"formServiceAction": "C",
"bypassFormServiceEREvent": true
"stackId" : 0,
"stateId" : 0

I've been working with examples for updates and reads (since I'm finding it hard to find examples of creating records) from JDE so I'm sure I probably have a few things in here that I don't need like "maxPageSize"