Windows XP SP1


Well Known Member
We are currently receiving new computers that are loaded with Windows XP
service pack 1. we are currently on XE SP 20_S1.
According to the KG, we should only use XP SP 1 at Service Pack 21 of One
World. Is anyone out there doing this and if so, what are the problems? We
hate to take the operating system off and reload a new PC and we are not
ready to go to SP 21 yet, based on the listings on this forum. Please
respond with your issues.

AS400 V5R1 XE Update 3(production) SP 20_S1 W2K

Libbi Fletcher
Systems Administrator
HoMedics, Inc.
3000 Pontiac Trail
Commerce Township, MI 48390
248-863-3001 ext. 1281
Several of our developers are using Windows XP w/SP1 - and the machines are running very solid with OW/XE SP 20.

One gotcha, though... MANY M$ Clients are complaining about installing C++ on WXP/SP1... We had several issues with the istallation crashing. When we back off SP1 - we were able to install C++, then re-install SP1.



we use Win XP SP1 on a few workstations and several laptops without any issues. We upgraded to OW SP 20 (+ oneoff) specifically to support Win XP.

Re: Windows XP SP1 OMW Slowly

I try to change the System Restore in Windows XP, since when doing
CHECKOUT he was very slow. I disable this option, reinitiates windows and
until continues being as slow as in the beginning. I make CHECK-OUT
of the R42520 object and I take two hours and It do not finish.

If they know to something please contact me on the matter.

I am evaluating the funcionability of Windows XP SP 1with ERP 8,0, on this depends if other users use it or continue using Windows 2000

(Excuseme my translation, I did it of Spanish to English, automatic methode.)
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