Why JITI when objects are Check-out'd



Well Known Member
Why JITI when objects are Check-out\'d

Hello all,
It might be a silly question for you all, but i have this dought - See Before WEB Generation of object we use to do Check-Out & Check-in right,but when I do WEB Generation for that object in between WEB Generation JITI is happening,why JITI in between WEB Generation ? when we are checking-out the objects on that machine.
Re: Why JITI when objects are Check-out\'d

Hello, Make sure your global table are upto date. generation before doing web generation
Re: Why JITI when objects are Check-out\'d

I have to update the global table you mean to say, it is JITI'ng the global table not the object spec's.so i have to run the R92TAM and GLBTBL Report before Generation.
Ok I will check,Thanks
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