Whether or not to use Multifoundation


Hello Everybody,

In going from 8.10 to 8.12, we plan on using the same deployment server for the upgrade (basically multi-foundation).
Which approach is usually taken.
Is there any recommended approach.

Appreciate all your thoughts and input.


E1 8.10 Tools
Oracle 10.0.3
AIX 5.3
This is not technically multi-foundation. This is an upgrade, so the #1 requirement is that you have enough disk space to hold a complete other set of E1 deployment server objects.

I prefer using a different server for this, but there is an old white paper (OTM-01-0018) that covers the procedure for using SNAPSHOT to switch between the different versions of E1 on your Deployment Server when performing an upgrade.

Be very careful should you decide to take this approach. As other people can tell you, SNAPSHOT can screw up your E1 installation faster than you can imagine.

Again, I usually prefer to have another machine as the 2nd deployment server.
As Ken says - Snapshot can be 'mental'; if that is actually the process you
are considering.... Many will say it is gold, but it only takes one
transgressive atom from the Super Conductor to make all hades fly south.
The safest process is to use multiple servers (make the everything as S E P
A R A T E as possible! When you remove the chance of conflict - you know
the issues are due to shared systems. My personal recommendation (and many
will remind me that I am not infrastructure or CNC) is to encourage a
complete independence across versions.



As an infrastructure / CNC expert I can tell you that you are spot on with your recommendation. OK people, repeat after me - Seperate is good! Hire Danny for Development work! Seperate is good! got the mantra now?

Gregg Larkin
CNC guru
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