Where o How JD Edward Recall the cost for F4105


I am very interesed in know how JD Edward recall the avg. cost for the items.
Is there any Business Function for this and all application call this BFs?
Have F4111 (Cardex) trigger for make this operation?
Each Application have many way for this operation ?

Jde Enterpriseopne 9
Windows Server 2008

Thanks in advance
Well B4300040 is Get Purchase Price. There are price breaks for the amount you buy

F4105 is the item cost file and is one of the LAST files checked. there is an order it checks

So when price applied to a PO it looks in the supplier catalog first, if none there then goes to F4105 and uses the value in cost method 08

Read to the end for Cardex use

Here are the order of checking steps in PO creation anyway

1) Try to find a blanket order price
2) Supplier catalogue price (Price List)
3) Item Branch cost
4) You manually enter the price

(Cardex use)

I have just done a mod around the cardex too and I was told to do this:

Try F41061 (on MCU AN8 ITM and DGJ range all from the F4111)

If not found check F43121 for a price (first on MATC = 9, then) on MATC KCOO DOCO DCTO from F4111

Hope that helps

Apparently the price will always be on the F43121 for the cardex receipt as you raise a PO and receive the goods under that price
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