what's difference of Create!form and formscape


what\'s difference of Create!form and formscape

Shall someone clarify that to me? Previously I understand create!form is one product of Formscape, is that right?
Re: what\'s difference of Create!form and formscape


Originally both Formscape and Create!form were separate competing companies. Now they are both owned by the same parent company, Bottomline Technologies. However they are still separate product lines.
Re: what\'s difference of Create!form and formscape

Peter is correct, Bottomline Technologies owns Create!form, Formscape and Optio.

Bottonline's new document solution called "Transform" is basically the Formscape solution and architecture. The current upgrade path for both Create!form and Optio customers is to move to Transform with a "compatibility" pack that allows use of the existing (Cform/Optio) design tools. I would guess that eventually both Create!form and Optio will be retired permanently.

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