Warehouse sharing between companies for Supply/ Purchasing


Active Member

I had logged this as an enhancement request in Quest a while ago but wanted to get your thoughts on how you are handling the scenario described under "Problem:"

Preferences for Purchasing

It would be beneficial to have preferences for purchasing to use header business unit to be different from receiving branch in Purchase order detail etc. This will help utilizing existing warehouses better for various business units/companies.

Problem :

Suppose company A uses warehouse A for distribution. If company B decides to use the same warehouse A, preferences help on sales side to get revenue booked to company B while shipping from warehouse A. But on Purchasing side, warehosue A has to be entered as the header branch as well since there are no preferences. This leads to more cumbersome ways to assign the cost of purchasing to company B.

Please let me know how you segregate the inventory and POs by company while utilizing a single physical warehouse for both company's needs.

Sorry for missing your response earlier... yes, we did evaluate creating logical warehouses for each company but could not justify the level of effort required by the warehouse personnel to segregate all their activities by company. Because of the similarity of products bought and sold by the different companies, it is not obvious for the warehouse personnel to know which company's product they are dealing with.
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