Version override


My overrides consisted on deleting and adding new report fields and changing the field to page-break on......also the page break would go to the next page. Of these 3 overrides only the report fields are present when moving from dev to crp and prod. I checked out crp and seen what overrides did not take. Comments/ solutions???????
What version of OW are you running? Is it XE? XE is different from earlier modules as far as promoting object. Here are some thoughts for XE and earlier modules

XE - promote your project back to a 21. Sign in to development. Check out your report, make sure the changes are there. If they are, check it back in and re-prmote from the Development environment. Either, Have a package built and deployed to the CRP environment or go to someone elses machine and do an advanced get and pull the objects out of CRP. Once this is done, your changes should be in affect.

Earlier version - This is using OL (Object Librarian) First off, I normally do not delete fields that are on the base report, just hide them. You should sign back in to Dev and make sure your changes are still there. Depending on who is actually transferring the objects, I would have that person sign in to dev and make sure they see the changes. If they do, get them to check it in and transfer at that point.

If these do not help, You probably have a corrupted object and either need to start from scratch or try and copy the version. (Hint: The better of the two would be to add and not copy)
Hope this helps.
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