Using Logical Server to run batches!!!


Active Member
Hi All,
We have two E1 servers one is logical sever configure to run business logics and applications and the otherone as batch server to run all UBE's. I know that both two servers are identical and you can submit UBE jobs to run on anyone of those two but want to know your comment whether this is a good idea? Anyone had good or bad experience of mixing up the servers to run UBE's?

ERP 8.0 B7334
The biggest issue is from the users perspective - that they launch a batch job on one server, and don't know where the results are later on when they look in submitted jobs.

But this is easily fixed. There are plenty of posts on here that talk about moving the PrintQueue to a shared resource - and if you're running Unix (your tag says DB2 UDB) you can create an NFS Share with a symbolic link for the printqueue area.
You won't have a problem with that configuration. My XE logic servers have been doing that for years.
Thanks for the reply Jon. So you think it is ok to use-up your logical server for UBE's just to off-load some submitted jobs/batches from Batch server?
Yes, its fine. I have a whitepaper on my site that is pretty old, but it talks about setting up multiple application servers using the "virtual" server name method - which is used a lot these days alongside F5's and other hardware load-balancers.
We use our logic servers to process ubes with the compression turned off and metadata for createforms.

That way, we can keep file sizes smaller on the rest of the JDE jobs.
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