Upgrading Deployment Server to 2008



Active Member
We're upgrading out Windows servers to 2008 from 2003. Has anyone completed an upgrade of their Deployment server from 2003 to 2008? If so, what did you do? What do you wish you had done?

If anyone knows of a Oracle Support doc on this please let me know. I haven't found it.

Your E1 version would help answer your question. There are 4 possible local databases that could be on your Deployment Server, so we wouldn't know what to tell you about that unless you tell us whether you are on Access (Xe, ERP8), MSDE (8.9 - 8.12), SSE (8.9 - 8.12 with Tools Release 8.97 or above, or E1 9.0), or Oracle.

I don't see a specific document that talks about migrating a Deployment Server to Windows 2008. In addition to the standard document for changing out a Deployment Server (Oracle Doc ID 659735.1 link), you will definitely need this document if you are not using Access or local Oracle (Link to 1079641.1 to install the proper version of SSE), and you must be on the proper Tools Release (SP 24.0.0 and above or 8.98.1 and above), which could open up a whole new can of worms.
Sorry for the bad manners.

We are E1 9.0 Tools We have Applied JL15980 in preparation to apply Update 2 in late December. We have Oracle 10g database servers and our E1Locals are 10g too.

Our Network/System admin thinks he can just Upgrade 2003 to 2008.

We're thinking fresh install of OS, fresh install of JDE Deployment Server (shut JDE and Oracle down) then copy all the original JDE and Oracle paths back into their original places and start it all back.

I'm looking at the doc now too.

Thank you.
I have always had horrible luck with straight Windows OS upgrades of any server. Migrating from one server to another following the standard changing out a deployment server procedure is my first choice. However, if you don't have the hardware available, I have also done a modified versions where I did a backup first, wiped the server and installed a fresh OS and then used the backup to complete the changing out a deployment server procedure.

Maybe other have had better luck with the straight OS upgrade.
After being burned once too often by doing a Windows OS upgrade, I too shy away from them, and prefer to install the OS from scratch, especially on servers.

Fortunately, the updated Oracle document covers the backup/restore scenario as suggested by Jeremy.
I have a question regarding the comments in your post. Were there additional steps after you applied the backup of the deployment server? I have brought up a new server with the original deployment server name, applied the backup tape, including backed up databases (JDEPLAN and JDE1Local) and registry, but still unable to log into JDE on the deployment. Logs say invalid user/password. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
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