Upgrade XE from SP17 to SP23


After downloading and installing SP23 to my HP9000 Enterprise Server, I'm unable to start the services. Only the jdenet_n starts, but none of the queues or cleanup processes start. The startstop.log looks normal, I get the message that the services started but when I check using ps -ef they are not running.
I'm using the same RunOneWorld.sh and and EndOneWorld.sh that I'm currently using. When I move back my systembak to system everything runs normal.

Please help...

OneWorld XE, SP17. HP-UX 11.
did you apply the security ESU (21799 i think). It looks like you did because it works when you roll-back - but perhaps not

Hi Barry / List
I installed JD21799 to the clients but not on the server. The package was assembled by the ESU, and there was no server part. Do I have to change the update package to build a server part and deploy it to the server????

Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Barry,
I deployed the JD21799 ESU to the server but I'm still unable to start the services under the new SP23 system. By looking at the logs I have noticed that the Oracle driver file libora80.sl is missing from the system/lib directory. Instead there is a libora81.sl and a libora90.sl. Did you run into this problem???
libora80.sl is what we are using with XE, SP17, and Oracle 8.1.7.
Thanks for your help.
Are you on Oracle 8.0.x or Oracle 8.1.x ?

Remember, JDE doesn't support 8.0.x anymore - hence the lack of the driver for that version. However, if you try using the libora81.sl library, you should be able to connect without any issues. Go ahead and try to change the driver in the datasource definitions. However, make sure you plan on upgrading to 8.1.x or 9i as soon as possible.
We are on Oracle 8.1.7. So I shouldn't libora80.sl be available?
If I change the driver to libora81.sl do I have to change anything else other than the server JDE.INI and the Server Map Data sources?

I really appreciate your help.

very interesting... I had the exact issue, so I tossed up changing all my existing datasources to use libora81 OR make copies of the libora81 that came with SP23 and call them libora80. I chose the copy to libora80 option, and it seems to work fine except my package deploys get stuck.

I'll definately change the datasources to use libora81 before going live though.

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