Upgrade V5R3 to V6R1


Anyone have any advice for an OS upgrade from V5R3 to V6R1. Or anyone aware of any documentation that may help

We are running E1 8.10 Tools 8.97.3

Thank you in advance
Steven is correct. Furthermore, if you run any software other than E1, you must confirm support for V6R1. There are still vendors who do not support V6R1 or require that software to be upgraded first. Also, if you are not on a newer model server, confirm that all hardware will work with V6R1.

If you have never done an i5/OS upgrade, I strongly recommend enlisting the support of your IBM Business Partner or and independent consultant to assist in the process. Upgrading to V6R1 can be a big deal.

We recently migrated E1(8.12/8.97) from V5R2 to V6R1 on a separate box for one of our clients.

I agree with Ethan on getting support from IBM or any third party expert for your OS upgrade. As for E1 suggest you go through all the required PTFs, known issues and conversion procedures corresponding to E1.
Thank you for your feed back, the os40 upgrade will be handled by our as400 folks. They have previous experience with this upgrade. My concerns are sole related to JDE
You say you moved 8.12/8.97 to V6R1 did you do a TR upgrade also? Isn't min TR on V6R1 was 8.98?

We are V5R3 8.10/8.94 and need to upgrade to V6R1 so I am looking into what we need to do on the E1 side to get there.

If you search the Oracle Support site for "V6R1" or "6.1" you will find some good articles with known issues and workarounds.
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