Update Processing Options from BSFN



VIP Member
Anyone ever do this? There is a stock BSFN but it's client only.

Pretty sure the data reside in F983051.VRPODATA in | delimited string.

We need to set the financial period/year on 20-30 reports before submitting. Else we have to change the database (F0010) and clear cache.


I did make a note of this BSFN a while back, B96711? It uses API UpdateProcessingOptionData and this is used elsewhere but..... B9090001 is also client only as is N81A0090
So I'm not sure we could make something to be run thin. I'm guessing these need to be run on the FAT client for the Dep/Ent server

Maybe the BSFN could be cloned?

There is a way to do this as a company called Steltix have a tool called Version Workbench
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I did make a note of this BSFN a while back, B96711? It uses API UpdateProcessingOptionData and this is used elsewhere but..... B9090001 is also client only as is N81A0090
So I'm not sure we could make something to be run thin. I'm guessing these need to be run on the FAT client for the Dep/Ent server

Maybe the BSFN could be cloned?

There is a way to do this as a company called Steltix have a tool called Version Workbench

B96711 just does a jdeCallObject to UpdateProcessingOptionData (B9090001) so that won't work.

I actually did basically make a copy of B9090001 with the intention of making it Client/Server. Had to take out the
jdeobj.h include as well as tweak a couple other things (switch wsprintf to jdeSprintf and remove JDERTGetUserHandle). It still runs fine on the client box, but won't run correctly on our enterprise server (OS400). It appears the string I pull out of the blob field (F983051.vrpodata.lpValue) is all mangled (I assume character encoding issue or something).
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