Unable to Allocate/confirm, application abends


Reputable Poster
When trying to allocate or confirm customer orders, the system crashes: 'your database connection to business data - prod has been lost..........Commit failed or was cacelled............'. Seems there is a problem with the F49211. I/O error(bad page0 during read. When we try viewing F49211 with UTB, as soon as we get close to end of table, it abends as it does when trying to use a sequel inquiry.

First question: What is this table used for? Only data populated is doco, dcto, kcoo, lnid and a couple of others. most fields are blank or zero.

2nd: is there supposed to be an entry for every F4201 entry? we are missing some towards the end.

3rd: What program updates/adds to this table.

Any suggestions on how to fix? Am attaching jde.log


  • 152497-P4205jde.pdf
    3.9 KB · Views: 225
F49211 Sales Order Detail File – Tag File

For that matter what are any of the tag files?

I ran a quick query and I'm seeing that F49211 is mostly or normally a subset of F4211:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Select Count(*)
From PRODDTA.F49211 (NoLock)
Join PRODDTA.F4211 (NoLock)
On UDDOCO = SDDOCO and UDLNID = SDLNID </pre><hr />

FYI and thanks,
Robert Berkey
B7333, SP18.1, SQL Server 2000
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