UBE Version Question


Reputable Poster
If I have an existing UBE that I make changes to, how do I get these chnges incorporated in existing versions once UBE has been deployed to the server?

I must be losing it!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have version overrides checked on the versions your template changes will not be reflected in the versions. Check your versions for any overrides. If they are not necessary then remove the overrides and you should be able to see the template changes on your version also.
Any options set on the File menu in RDA like page size will not be seen by existing versions even if there are no overrides. You must make the changes manually on the existing versions or delete the existing versions and recreate them.
Before we guess / lose it, too, what kind of changes did you do to your UBE?
Also, were the versions modified, as suggested by one guess-reply?
Simple questions tend to have simple answers. Your question is really not that simple, is it?
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