Two companies with different chart of accounts. Problem with GLG6 and GLG12

Victor Villalta


We have two companies in different countries in the same environment E1 with different chart of accounts. In company 1 profit and loss accounts begin in 6 and end in 7999. In company 2 profit and loss accounts begin in 4 and end in 7999.

How could we implement it in JDE? Following GL documentation you should set up GLG6 and GLG12 only for company 00000 (we have tried to set up for each company but it didn’t work). If we have set up only for company 00000 end year close doesn’t work nor financial reports (wrong beginning balance).

Each company wants to have their own chart of accounts. And they want to consolidate in the same environment (using category codes).

Is there any workaround that we could use?

Best Regards,
Victor Villalta
Hello. Since version 8.12, AAI GLG6 and GLG12 work by company even though it is written "only for company 00000".
What is your version ?
In all versions, if you use Fixed assets module, know that AAI FC and FD do not work by company.
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