


VIP Member
My client is on Tools release 8.98.33 and I'm developing on a WebDev client.

I'm seeing hundreds of threads in the debuglog and I need to bring this way down. Where is the number of threads specified?

I'm researching performance issues with Performance Workbench, which is how I stumbled across this problem. It seems that PW has a max of 500 threads it can track, because once it gets to that magic number the program crashes.
Hi Darren,

From what I've seen on the dev clients each BSFN call is handled by a new thread. It's still synchronous as far as the application is concerned it's just how the call object kernel serves the requests. You may want to try JDETrace to work with the debug log. There is no thread limit and you'll be able to track down long running functions and SQL.

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