Temp Files on Enterprise Server


Dear All,

We face a peculiar problem here. I did contact the local J D E office & they weren’t of much help. On the Root Drive of my JDE installation on the Enterprise Server (D: Drive) in my case, a lot of (temp) files keep appearing there. I have opened quite a few of them & they are basically some of our UBEs Outputs. I have to keep deleting them on a regular basis.

We have tried out different options & we notice that the temp files ONLY appear if the certain job is printed to the Server with the ‘Print Immediate’ Option being selected.

Can I stop this somehow or must I resort to the only possible solution that I have recd. so far - writing a script which deletes this files automatically.

Thankz in advance

Nailesh Mascarenhas
CNC / System Administrator
OW XE SP17 / Update3,
ES – Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP2
MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition
DS – Windows 2000 Server SP2
We also have this problem. JDE points to Acrobat as causing the problem but they do not have a solution. What I find odd is the files appear on the Enterprise server but our application server does not generate these files (thank goodness). Do all of your file names begin with S?

I suppose you are talking about files with short names like s34d or alike, without extension.
These are temporary files used for transaction control. You do not want to disable this mechanism. If I am not mistaken on Unix servers there are located in the install root, which is b7333, on windows server they are put into the root of the drive.
I do not know if they are supposed to be removed or if they only sometimes are left behind.
I think you best keep removing them manually.

Thanks, Gerd
Gerd is correct...if you are speaking of the "s" files. You can delete
them manually, or create a program to delete all with certain date
stamps, but you do not want to disable this feature.



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We have the same issue. At the end of each week I just delete them. Joy
I have the same problem! All start with the letter "s". Occasionally have an extention of .1 or .2, at least over the last few days. These are on our Windows 2K Logic Server. They are raw printer spool files. Copy it to a printer and viola, you have your UBE output.

Since I have nothing else in the root of my D drive, they are easy to clean up.

In the [DEBUG] section of the server's JDE.INI, set:
I believe this will cause these files to not be generated.
Is this an appropriate solution? Others in this post say do not turn this off...
But these are NOT log files. They are raw printer spool files.

I believe if you set KeepLogs=0 as you suggest, you would lose the log files for the UBEs and, at least in my case, I WANT the log files for my UBEs around until I delete the job.

Was told by JDE that this has been fixed in SP22.
There is a param in JDE.INI for where to put these files, currently being ignored. If not set, it will default to windows TEMP directory.
Do not have the ESU to hand.
We just delete all files on root of drive nightly.
Right. It also causes these spool files to be saved. If you turn it off, UBE logs are only kept for jobs that end in the E status. Ohterwise, logs are kept for all UBEs. Personally, I only care about the ones in E status most of the time.
We are getting these file named as Acr3DD5.tmp, Acr3E2D.tmp, Acr3E3C....
All these files are 1.9 GB to 2.0 GB
The folder is C:\Documents and Settings\JDE\LocalSettings\Temp


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We are getting these file named as Acr3DD5.tmp, Acr3E2D.tmp, Acr3E3C....
All these files are 1.9 GB to 2.0 GB
The folder is C:\Documents and Settings\JDE\LocalSettings\Temp
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