Tax Software


We are looking into tax processing software that integrates with JDE. We are looking for a more robust tax system to record M1 adjustments, compile supplemental schedules and work papers, record elimination entries, etc... What tax applications are others using?
Vertex will provide all the necessary tax calculations and reporting

The supplemental data schedules will have to be developed into your
customer, products or jurisdiction configuration logic used in the
Vertex software.

Working papers or reports can separate taxability by the logic designed
in the Vertex software and report accordingly.

Elimination entries require some evaluation decisions and can be set up
as recurring journal entries. (Automation maybe limited)

The most common tax application being used is Vertex because of its
flexibility with other software.
Re: RE: Tax Software

Is Vertex used for income tax reporting too? If not what are you using for corporate income tax reporting and processing?
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