sun solaris


Active Member
my bos asked me to do a new xe installation on sun solaris!!! searching the KG couldnt find the suitable guide....does any body know if there are an installation guide for sun or not ??? did any body do it before and want to share his knowldge with me ???
The XE Unix Installation guide is what you want. In addition I believe its the Server Administration guide that contains some Solaris specific information. Did you check these two guides?

I have done Sun XE installs 3 or 4 times. Other than Solaris kernel settings mentioned in the Server Admin guide I have not had any specific solaris considerations/issues when compared to the other unix platforms. You do need to be unix literate. You don't need to be an expert but you should have basic system admin skills under unix.

thanks i just downloaded i will study it, maybe i will need to take a quick sessions for unix sys. admin as per your advice
thanks a lot,
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