Strange characters for UBE running on Server



After we installed a EO89 on HP-UX, Oracle 9i, with unicode to support English and Chinese characters, I encountered a problem when submitting a standard UBE report to run on the Enterprise Server, the report shown strange characters instead of Chinese characters. But it would be correct if I run it locally.

Is it something wrong with the fonts installed on the Enterprise Server? The default fonts defined in P98980 set to STSung-Light-Acro.

Many thanks.
Hi Gary,

I went through this troubleshooting before when I helped implement
Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Western European, and
Eastern European in 8.9. I don't remember that fonts we used specifically. I
believe the correct name of the font you are referring to is
STSong-Light-Acro. Maybe your problem is a simple as a misspelling. Let me
know if this helps. Good luck.

Re: RE: Strange characters for UBE running on Server

Hi Richard,

I have corrected the name and it still couldn't get the right output. May I ask any relevent settings you have in your server JDE.ini file?

On our Unix Enterprise Server under the "resource" directory, there is "cid font" and "true type" directory, and the chinese font STSong-Light-Acro.ttf is only resided on "cid", does it correct ?

Many thanks.
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