SQLPrepare Failed


Active Member
Hi List

We are seeing an SQL error message and we have a few applications that are failing to retrieve data. We know the data exists in the table and you can see it if you leave all qbe fields blank. The error in JDE.LOG is as follows:

692/1340 Fri Dec 14 13:06:11 2001 JDBODBC.C5220
ODB0000071 - SQLPrepare failed

This is followed by a number of other errors. We've deleted sql packages in lib b7333sys. This has not cured the problem. The problem seems to be environment specific since the same apps run fine in PY and not PD. There are a number of sql packages in the PD environment library. Does anyone know if these can be deleted or if there is some other cure to this problem.



XE, SP17, AS400, V4M5R0
*SQLPKG can be deleted as long as they do not begin with a 'Q' or an '_' (underscore) according to JDE.

Reference document ID number OTI-99-0072

(we were given this document to try to find a cure to another problem)

Hope this helps.

Jeremey Garcia
Xe SP14 ES - AS/400 CO - AS/400 Deploy - NT Citrix
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