Sending External Messages Using 8.12 and Outlook



Reputable Poster

I have been trying unsuccessfully to integrate Outlook into 8.12 8.97 so that when users run reports they will email the completion message out rather than just send a message to work center. I have followed the procedures in OTI-00-0032 to setup SMTP and to change the settings in the INI but still not seeing any emails. Has anyone done this, is it possible, and if so how do you set it up correctly?

did you verify that your mail server is accepting SMTP requests from your enterprise server?

Frequently this is is turned off by Mail Admins to avoid mail servers being used as a relay. Whatever your mail server is it needs to accept smtp messages from your enterprise server.

Did you test using these steps?

Use the following steps to verify the setup of the SMTP server.
1. ping the SMTP server. It should return with success.
2. To test the connection to the SMTP server, issue the following from the client PC and the enterprise server: telnet <smtpHost> 25. For example: telnet 25. It should return 220 <SMTP server name> ESMTP.
3. If the line comes back beginning with 220, this verifies the integrity of the SMTP connection.
4. Follow this link to test sending email through the smtp server test smtp
Larry, Thanks for the response. I have confirmed that SMTP is working on the AS/400. I can send emails using the SNDDST to myself. Now I am just wondering what triggers UBEs to send completion notices to Outlook email addresses instead of just putting a completion message in the Work Center?

In P01111 (Email/Internet Revisions) if you have the message indicator field set to 1 on the line with their email address they will get messages to their email account vs their workcenter.

Thanks Dave. I believe this should be the step I need to get it working.
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