securityserver and RUNUBEXML.EXE



I'm trying to run a report using the ERP 8.9 utility RUNUBEXML.EXE.
I'm getting in the result XML (second.xml like in the RUNUBEXML documentation) the response with 'ERROR_VALUE='Invalid XML user please check your login, password'.
I've enable the debug and there it is saying that the securityserver from the jde.ini is blank or missing.
My configuration is Deployment and Enterprise machine on the same server, If I add to the securityserver the name of the server, is not working either.
Any idea what the securityserver should be in my case?

The Security Server may be any server that runs the JDE Services (enterprise server). But the user information in the User and Password in the [SECURITY] section of the Enterprise's JDE.ini must specifies the valid Enterprise One user not database user. The default values are setted to JDE, JDE. You may make the user JDE a valid Enterprise One user by assigning to it the system user in the Work With User Security.
Thanks for your reply.
I cannot find how to make the JDE user as system user. This will suppose to populate the F98OWSEC table?
I've tried to add the JDE record in P98OWSEC, the system user is mandatory and it is not in the selection list. Any idea how I can populate the System User field?

There is button "Add System User" In the Exit Bar -> Form in the P98OWSEC
Use the real database user for the system user (for instance JDE, and valid password).

Aftre add the record in the P98OWSEC for OW user JDE do not forget reset it's password.
Thanks that work.
But is not adding records in F98OWSEC, I found in the log file:
error: DB API function DBPerformRequest failed; rc = 0.
Mar 19 17:44:08.984 - 1824/7448 Failed processing SQL statement: INSERT INTO JDE9.SY9.F98OWSEC VALUES ('JDE',' ',0.000000,0,'JDE',' ',' ',' ',' ','Level 1','0','½Mar 19 17:44:08.984 - 1824/7448 JDB9900401 - Failed to execute db request
Mar 19 17:44:08.984 - 1824/7448 JDB3400009 - Failed to perform Insert for F98OWSEC
Mar 19 17:44:08.984 - 1824/7448 Exiting JDB_InsertTable with Failure(Table F98OWSEC)

Any idea?

Thanks a lot,

Reading some other post, it seems that the records in F98OWSEC are created using R98OWPU report... Now all working ok, the jobs are submited with no problems.
I'm able to run the RUNUBEXML command, and I can see the job in the queue, but it is at status 'S' (in queue) and stays there... From the enterprise debug file I can see that the job has been submitted with the 'W' (waiting) status.

Getting there...

Do you know why a job could stay with the S status in the queue?

Thanks a lot,
The queue kernel on the Enterprise has not run properly.
Can you see in the others jde_NNNN.log files on the Enterprise server the appropreate messages?
May be you must specify in the Enterprise's JDE.INI that at least one queue kernel must run automatic?


or if you use subsystems
Done that.

Now I can see in the log:
Mar 22 11:18:29.734 - 1988/2440 QUEUE02800010-Start CallRunBatch for JOB:R0006P_XJDE0005_37_PDF
Mar 22 11:18:29.734 - 1988/2440 Decryption failed
Mar 22 11:18:29.734 - 1988/2440 QUEUE00600080-NULL hProc returned by call RunBatch on R0006P_XJDE0005_37_PDF
Mar 22 11:18:29.734 - 1988/2440 No More Data found
Mar 22 11:18:29.734 - 1988/2440 QUEUE00600120-End ScheduleJob_TB

That is probably why remains at 'S' status...

Hi list!

I had a problem with the enterprise server which now is fixed. However the RUNUBEXML.EXE is still failing the job log displays the error:
Decryption failed.
I'm using the same user (JDE) when I submit the job normally or from RUNUBEXML. The one submited normal is executed ok.
The job submited by RUNUBEXML is stuck with the 'S' status after the Decryption error.
Any idea?


Just got a note from Peoplesoft support that it is a bug, and is sent to debelopment.

Hi! Can you help me with Windows Movie Maker?
I do not know how to deal with the level of volume in the clip - how to make it louder, and the volume of the audio quieter?

Thanks in advance!
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