scraping data out of server manager


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

Anyone ever tried programmatically scraping data out of server manager and storing it in a table for historical tending and reporting purposes? If so I'd love to hear what tools you used and what the challenges were.


I suggested making my tool available for people if they were interested - but nobody was interested. So I dropped it.

The challenges are pretty big - every tools release has the issue of re-writing the server manager HTML pages, requiring a re-write of the tool if you're scraping the HTML. My tool was written in batch (DOS) and used a combination of wget, gawk and grep to achieve the results - but it had to be re-written between tools release 8.97 and 8.98 and I haven't tried Tools release 9.10 yet.

Years ago, I put in a request for JDE to modify the server manager and have a script-based JMX tool for admins - but in the end, they created the Performance pack - which costs a fortune. Not good.

The issue was that there was just not enough people out there who understood where the requirements were for an admin to be able to dump information like # of users into a file - hence nobody supported my suggestion. As more and more customers move towards the newer server manager, they're now hitting the issue I proposed a solution for more than 3 years ago. Not that I'm a bitter, twisted individual or anything....

Anyhow, if you really want Oracle to help, then you purchase the Oracle Application Management Suite (previously called "packs") for EnterpriseOne - in there you can acquire statistics from the entire E1 farm through EM.

Info is at this link :

The retail cost for the application management pack for E1 is $300 per named user or $15,000 per CPU - source :

I have created scripts in 8.10 to get list of users and the application they have opened in SAW/SMC. Basically, I use a free tool called Imacro ( and it runs it every 1/2 hour and traverse thru the webpage and capture the info into a text file. I use a simple SSIS package to import this data into sql table. This gives me historical perspective of users who were logged in at any particular time on each of the web server etc. You can capture lot of information this way. I am sure you can do the same for Server manager. This dose requires some understanding of how this tools works and some VB scripts

We also have a tool that works in this direction - JDE WEB Server Cache Reset. As its name suggests, it's for resetting caches, but it also has an additional feature of returning the number of users. And it could potentially be extended to do more.

I've run into all the same problems Jon mentioned. But my approach has an extra abstraction layer, which makes it less dependent on the exact page contents and layout, so it has worked with a few latest Tools Releases without the need to rewrite anything.

As it's a command-line tool, you can of course script and schedule it and let the script run and populate any table you like automatically...
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