Report Interconnect with Printer Override


Does anyone know of a way to call a UBE from another object (most likely NER) with a printer override? I also need to be able to pass values into the data structure. The standard report interconnect does not give an option to change the printer. I have searched through the BSFNs but did not find any that seemed like they would do what I needed.

Just to provide some background, the process I am working on is to print a custom UBE (web order notification) to a specified printer based on the sales order business unit. The printer will be stored in a UDC with business unit as the key. This process will be kicked off by a table trigger. One option we have considered but don't want to pursue is having multiple versions of the custom UBE that are OCM'd to the correct printer, but we would have 90+ version and this would require more maintenance than just a UDC.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give.
Not so sure about this but you may try calling B4000990 - "F40095 Update Printer Overrides" function and pass the terminal id, report id and output queue which is mapped to the specific printer.

Do this in the NER before calling the UBE so that it goes to the specific print queue which in turn prints on the related printer.
I haven't tried this but ...

There is an event called Do Initialize Printer within Report Level Event Rules. Perhaps the Initialize Logical Printer Name system function will do what you're looking within that event.

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