Rental Management - a possible solution


For those of you who are doing rental management, the Container Management
module (part of Inventory Management) has some
rental features. Although designed for containerized items, such as LPG
cylinders, it does work with non-containerized 'regular' items. What it
does is track rental items and bill for daily rental fees. A mod could be
done to accommodate other rental fee structures.

After ship confirm a batch program is run to extract data to the container
management 'database'. Another program is then run on a daily basis and it
generates non-inventory sales orders to charge the customer for rental
usage. The frequency of the invoice to the customer is determined by
additional setup. The module also tracks serial numbers on the items. A
couple of good reports are available, showing which customers have the items
and a total quantity balance report.

For those of you who do have containerized items that you sell, the module
was really designed to support FIFO tracking of deposits and returns on
these items.

Hope this offers a glimmer of hope...if not, at least I can sleep easy
knowing that I tried!


Andy Klee
Klee Associates
JD Edwards Certified Professional
Tel: 970 856 4811

I believe the Rental management functionality exists in World... and some of
the associated tables have been carried forward into OneWorld a bit like
space junk, sans the functionality though.

Could it be that backward co-existence is a solution?!

That is very close to the solution we are already using- it accomodates
about 50% of what is required to actually do rentals. Thanks for the input.

<andyklee@myexcel To: [email protected]
.com> cc:
Sent by: Subject: Rental Management - a possible
owner-jdelistml@j solution ~~0:1488

11/20/00 06:06 PM
Please respond to

For those of you who are doing rental management, the Container Management
module (part of Inventory Management) has some
rental features. Although designed for containerized items, such as LPG
cylinders, it does work with non-containerized 'regular' items. What it
does is track rental items and bill for daily rental fees. A mod could be
done to accommodate other rental fee structures.

After ship confirm a batch program is run to extract data to the container
management 'database'. Another program is then run on a daily basis and it
generates non-inventory sales orders to charge the customer for rental
usage. The frequency of the invoice to the customer is determined by
additional setup. The module also tracks serial numbers on the items. A
couple of good reports are available, showing which customers have the
and a total quantity balance report.

For those of you who do have containerized items that you sell, the module
was really designed to support FIFO tracking of deposits and returns on
these items.

Hope this offers a glimmer of hope...if not, at least I can sleep easy
knowing that I tried!


Andy Klee
Klee Associates
JD Edwards Certified Professional
Tel: 970 856 4811


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