Refresh Cache

Leon Fan

Leon Fan

I'm setting email notification for Credit Manager on E1.810. They can receive Credit Limit Changing email with Workflow Approval link aftet changing credit limit. but after approving, they cannot receive the email notification of Credit Limit Has Been Approved. Somebody told me I should refresh on service cache (including user profile). but I dont know how to do it.
could you tell me how can I do?
That person is saying that you have a web server issue. Some changes to
the system do not take hold on a web server until the caches are
cleared. The two options are 1) Bounce the server (no too tasty an
option when you have a lot of people on the server) or 2) Use the SAW.

Have you used SAW (Server Administration Workbench) before? If not, does
someone have access to it?
Re: RE: Refresh Cache

Thank you Robert,
I think SAW is a good way. Just need a powerful authority. I think I can process it now.

Thanks again.
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