Reading Flat file in E1 9.0


I'm in a middle of upgrade from E1 8.10 to E1 9.0 and I'm having a problem with Reading flat files from our Network drives. I'm on I-series. In 8.10 all of the user who ran the applications that read flat filse from the network drive are on Cirtix servers. But now on 9.0 all user are on the web servers (OAS). In the application the ER is using B76B0220 to read the flat file. I'm getting error message in 9.0 that says File not found and Invalid working directory. Its as if the I-series cannot see the network drives. Thanks for all help.
It's true. The iSeries cannot see the network drives. You could, however, try putting the flat file on the IFS. Create an "import" directory under the path code, and place the file in there. (Path like PY900\import.)
The best solution it to just get a windows batch server and run these types of interfaces on the windows batch server.
You actually can access external (NT and Linux) file systems using iSeries NetClient file system. It's called QNTC and part of i5/OS. There is some security setup but it works well. The network servers will be available through the QNTC directory on the IFS.

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