RE: Superbackflush P31123 ??0:147


RE: Superbackflush P31123 ??0:147

Could I get the SAR# you are working with JDE on and I can call and get
added. Maybe that will prompt them to add more effort. I haven't called
them yet myself because it isn't something we can duplicate or identify the
actual cause yet. I'd also be interested in additional information on the
world writer 'update' you are running. Do you acutally update the F3111 and
write the missing 'IM' F4111 records in it?


Sally Shoener
[email protected]
---------- Original Text ----------

From: C=US/A=INTERNET/DDA=ID/jdeworld(a), on 10/25/00 7:41 PM:


We have run into this problem many times and are having a tough time getting
JDE to do anything about it. I have an open call with them at the moment.
The support rep I am working with is not the strongest, but she has not yet
closed the call since she has brought it to her "Tier 2" consultant. We are
getting around the problem with a World Writer update routine that runs 3
times daily and check for the condition. It is pretty frustrating, but we
are managing to get by until JDE does something about it. Let me know if
there is anything I can do to help...


Mike Grejtak
Mfg. Systems Analyst
Hancor, Inc.
(419) 424-8253
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