RE: Creating Sandbox and CRP Environments from Production


VIP Member
RE: Creating Sandbox and CRP Environments from Production

Since you "refresh" each week, have you thought about a third party
mirroring package to keep things in sync? Seems like an expensive solution
when you really aren't mirroring... but you could only have it sync up once
a week and it "should" take less time than a full backup/restore?
RE: Creating Sandbox and CRP Environments from Production

We currently use a product called Data Mirror to keep a hot site backup AS/400
in sync with the production AS/400 but have not used it for our sandbox refresh
or crp's . It possibly could be utilized to keep after an initial full refresh
but our business needs do not require the sandbox to be keep in perfect sync on
a daily basis.

Thank you for the suggestion.

ssolberg <[email protected]> on 11/16/2000 03:41:05 PM

Please respond to [email protected]

To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Paul Normandeau/SIF/MTL/CSC)
Subject: RE: Creating Sandbox and CRP Environments from Production ~~0:1262

Since you "refresh" each week, have you thought about a third party
mirroring package to keep things in sync? Seems like an expensive solution
when you really aren't mirroring... but you could only have it sync up once
a week and it "should" take less time than a full backup/restore?

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