

Active Member
R12855 - Compute Depreciation takes a long time to run. We only have about 6,000 fixed assets right now. But it runs 3 1/2 hours just for one ledger type. Is anyone else having the same problem ????? What have you done to improve the run time ?

AS400/OW XE/ Update 6/ SV21
Maybe a stupid answer - we had an issue a long time ago with users who didn't put in the Period/Through Date. Left it blank. In that case the UBE runs, I think, until everything is fully depreciated. At least I remember having to kill the UBE and then clean out the table as it had dates way out into the future. This was 4 years ago now.

I did have the same problem. I worked with IBM for months on the problem. It had to do with row security on the F0901 file, for us. You may want to run the DBMON and check reports as to which SQL statements are taking the longest. You can get DBMON queries from IBM. We ended up just taking the security off of the F0901 file, as the $$ amounts are not on that table.
Join the club....add yourself to my current SAR 6736852 and see what transpires.
I'm convinced it is all the cutesy sorts & totalling that makes it run long, so have requested that JDE write a "no frills" econo version of R12855 for those of us the just want the result, not the paper. In the mean time, have a look at the report and make sure that everybody has current month depreciation calculated - if not, maybe you can deselect some assets to speed it up. Our real issue is not the run time, but that fact that the server connection times out before I can pull a 2000 page PDF off it!
Good luck
John KIrk
Thank you for your response. We did find what was taking 8 hours on our
dev AS400, works in 45 minutes on our prod AS400. Found that out yesterday.

David Dresdow
Senior Systems Analyst
Stora Enso North America
715-422-3846 (Office Phone)
715-213-5580 (Cell Phone)
Check the latest ESU's for R12855. JDE supplied some big time performance enhancements for us. Also look at running the job multi-threaded.
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