QZDASOINIT Trace Back to Application Server??


I have a QZDASOINIT that is using high CPU. Is there a way to back track the QZDASOINIT to a UBE or Call Object? The only thing I can trace back to is the IP address.

Windows 2008 R2 64 bit application server

Thanks for your advice.
It would usually give you the executable name too. Not that this can narrow down to a specific process but you would at least be able to tell if it is a UBE or a Kernel processes.

Then may be look at open files (option 14) and narrow down by the UBE's you have running , which is what it likely is if it is constantly using CPU
This is what I have found out.

I look for the job number in Navigator and right click to details. Than I open the SQL statement. From there I can track it to the UBE.

I currently have a UBE that when it completes in leaves the QZDASOINIT running.
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