Question about Create!Form to Transform Migration


We are in a position where go-live on E1 9.1/TR 9.1.3.x has been postponed due to Create!Form compatibility issues with TR 9.1.x.x. Bottomline Technologies has told us that we will need to move to the latest supported version of Transform. Is there someone who can give insight or assistance into moving around 80 objects from Create!Form to Transform?

Thank you,


We recently did that, unfortunately there is no magic button to move objects from C!F to Transform, They are 2 very different products C!F are "Projects" and Transform are now called "Bundles"... They have something call "Compatibility mode" we tried that but licensing is very costly and did not work for US. so we did a fresh install of Transform on Windows Server 2008 R2 and our developers created the new Bundle from scratch... we had around 70 objects and took about 5 weeks...

I hope this help.

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