Question About BIP and Environment Refresh

Jaise James

Reputable Poster

How is your BIP setup done. By Default Tables F956* for BIP are stored in Control tables. When we do an environment refresh using DB, it gets over written. I was thinking of moving it to central object. But my concern is that central object is shared by other environments as well. Is there a potential problem with moving these table to CO and configuring OCM for all the environment to point to CO.
What we've done in the past for control table refreshes is only copy the menu, next numbers and UDC tables over via a script if there were control tables that we didn't want written over like you described.
Thanks for your input... Unfortunately we don't copy table by table. We do a full DB restore. What we have done for the time being take a backup these table, do the environment refresh and restore those tables
BIP tables are F956*, so as long as you can save those subset of tables and restore them after the refresh, you should be good.
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