Putting Customize Grids in Ascending order


Hi all,

Im having problems with customized grids in E1 8.11... When any changes made to customized grids to the "sequenced columns" the changes are not retained.

Any ideas why and how this can be solved?

Many Thanks in Advanced

Did you create a custom grid tab? I believe you have to do that in order for any changes to be saved. On the toolbar, click Preferences; Grid; New format and give it a name. Hope this helps.

Hi Sully....

Thank you for your response. Yes i did do all that... It seems the problem is only for one application P4106. To replicate the problem these are the steps...

1. Invoke P4106
2. Press Find (notice the retrieved records are not in Item number order)
3. Select "Customise Grid"
4. Select "Create"
5. Give the new grid format a name
6. Scroll down to the "Sequenced columns" section
7. Remove all of the entries in the right hand pane
8. Move "2nd Item Number" from the left pane to the right pane
9. Click OK
10. Click close
11. Notice the records are still not in Item number order
12. Select "Customise Grid"
13. Select "Modify"
14. Scroll down to the "Sequenced columns" section
15. Notice your previous changes have been ignored

This only seems to happen in the PD environmet. Both PY and DV are fine.

Our system info if needed is ... E811 SP1 tools release

Kind Regards

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