Product Packaging Data Source Question

Delphine Ravet

Hi all,
I'm a newly french CNC, and I have a question regarding Product Packaging Data Source on E810.
I want to include update package into ESU or ASU, to send it in another enterprise site and update JDE.
I try to follow the process of "Master Software Creation" available in E810 help, but at the step "Verify the product packaging data source", I can't find the "Product Packaging local data source", it seems it was not installed during the JDE installation.
How can I install it ?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Delphine,

Using the product packaging PC log onto EnterpriseOne in the environment you use and then use the Database Data Sources application (P986115) to create the Product Packaging - 810 data source with the following values:

ODBC Data Source Name = Product Packaging - 810

Data Source Type = M - MSDE/OLEDB

Data Class = L - Local

Platform = LOCAL

Database Server Name = (local)

Object Owner ID = dbo

Database Name* = Product_Packaging (*** see my note at the end!)

Database Instance = JDELocal

Click OK, and exit the Data Source application. Log out and back in because the datasource information is cached and must be refreshed with a logout\login.

***** Note: This database name is also used in the processing options for a number of ubes used in the product packaging and it must be consistent throughout. E.G. R9640MF is an example of one of these UBEs (this creates the database) and the database name specified in the processing options here must be the same as that assigned to the product packaging datasource. The only reason I say this is because sometimes I have seen the processing options on the ubes set to something different like JDELocal or JDEMasters. It does not really matter what the name is as long as it is used consistently.

I hope I havent made this sound overly complicated - it is easy once you know how. Good luck!
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