Printer reinitialises itself each time before printing document

Cathy Wilbur

Well Known Member
Testing printing of documents to new printer definitions on Createform 7x server.

Now when items are sent to printers the printer always does the following

1) Takes the printer offline
2) Reinitializes itself
3) Prints the document

Why does the printer have to reinitialize itself each time.

That is not happening on our current Createform production server when we print our projects.
We are currently testing our cash receipts project with the printer.

All we have is a File Conversion Project and a Director Script.

Trying to figure out why this is happening.

Have to try and stop this from happening because now the clerk has to go turn the printer off and on after this document prints.

Seems to be happening on all our printers In Createform 7x
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