Package.inf Broker BPM and Local MSDE Database


Active Member
Ok this part of the job is starting to irritate me. I keep having workstations over time get slow and slower on the fat client installs. I know all the common fixes to rename x folder and x folder so the 3rd party components dont reinstall themselves but I want to understand the inf as I think they are the problem. What should the package.inf file look like on a base install and how do I notice errors in it if they get added? Other then that, anyone know a easy way to rebuild your odbc.inf file other then by hand(my new workstations ODBCs always look dirty, have old ones in there) I would do it by hand but I really wanted a way to auto generate it based on my Deployment box.

Lastly the local MSDE, other then for a Web Dev workstation and Deployment Server, what's the point of this thing? Should there be a unique one for each pathcode? Or can I have all my full package use the same one(Inf, and the data folder)?

These are just a few questions that had been irritating me and I hadn't found the solution. I usually just rebuild the workstation, oh ya fun times.
I figured I would post my findings to help someone else,

package.inf, the more update packages you install the more Filesets get defined. Over 20, it starts to get really ugly. Slow package deliveries. Recently I have been clearing the Filesets when it gets slow. Not sure yet if it will cause all packages to get removed on a full package install. This will happen if you remove the entire package.inf.

Local MSDE, on a web dev workstations it seems to only hold the 98 and 99 tables. So I guess any environmetn you want them to Web dev in you need a matching Local MSDE.

Feedback welcome if any of my assumptions are wrong.
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